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Training Courses
UC-01 P&ID Development
/ Instrument Index / Specifications
UC-02 Advanced Calibration
UC-03 Wiring System & I/O
UC-04 Specification Sheet Customizing
-Text & Titles
AC-01 CAD Interface & Template
AC-02 Specification Sheet Customizing
-Graphic Layout
AC-03 Engineering Report Designer
- Crystal Reports 8.0
AC-04 System Administration
CC-01 Plant Implementation
Seminars |
P&ID Development / Instrument Index / Specifications
Learn how to implement RENAISSANCE® for the purposes
of extracting the basic instrument information from
P&IDs, instrument specification sheets,
and wiring drawings. This course will give the student
the ability to know which dialogs in the system to
use to input data from the above documents as well
as printing the reports that are directly related
to the data entered in order to verify the data. Learn
how to set default estimating and costing properties
in the system. Also determine which fields can be
copied to automate the data entry process.
Advanced Calibration System
Learn the concepts associated with instrument calibration;
i.e.: default settings for a base calibration, entering
as found and as left data and calculating the percent
errors. Gain knowledge on the charting concepts for
determining which instruments in the loop require
more frequent calibration than others. Learn how to
use the system to reduce your maintenance costs and
scheduling requirements. Also setting up master calibrators
will be explained. Learn how to leave notes for the
next technician calibrating an instrument. Also print
the advanced calibration reports.
Wiring System & I/O Assignments
Learn how to implement RENAISSANCE® for the purposes
of extracting the basic instrument information from
the loop and termination wiring drawings. This course
will give the student the ability to know which dialogs
in the system to use to input data from the above
documents. Gain insight for creating a complete DCS
I/O audit. Print reports that are directly related
to the data entered in order to verify the data. System
link fields will be discussed. Learn which fields
should be copied forward to other system tags to reduce
the data entry required.
Specification Sheet Customizing -Text & Titles
Learn the concepts of modifying specification sheets
and their associated internal links. The student will
be able to customize the titles and data entry descriptions.
The ability to link system codes to a new specification
sheet will also be explained.
Advanced User
Seminars |
CAD Interface & Template Development
Instruction will be given regarding the requirements
of extracting database information from RENAISSANCE®
to AutoCAD. Templates will be customized to create
new ones, adding revision block data links. Knowledge
will be gained on how to reduce the number of templates
required for a plant. Learn which field data should
be copied to other tags in the system to reduce the
data entry requirements.
Specification Sheet Customizing -Graphic Layout
By Custom Request
Engineering Report Designer
This is available only for users of the new reporting
system, Crystal Reports Professional. Learn to modify
existing reports and create new ones. Learn how to
set relations in reports and access data files. Techniques
on report layout will be acquired including defining
calculations and summaries.
System Administration
This course is designed for persons involved with
maintaining the RENAISSANCE® system. Topics include:
security options and concerns, setting up users and
passwords, importing data, exporting data, backing
up data files as well as user configurable system
Seminars |
Plant Implementation Strategy
A custom approach to reviewing and documenting a
client specific facility will be discussed. We will
assist in reviewing your key documents and provide
an implementation plan for your plant. We can give
actual estimates of various steps covered in the implementation,
as well as provide the personnel to execute the plan
if required.